
Leave it to AccuRate Systems if you are a high performance, long life magnetic sensor!


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Company Profile

Company Name Accurate Systems Inc.
Capital Amount 20,000,000 yen
Establishment April 1, 2011
CEO Kazuhiko Yamada
Office Adress
Ina Office 4729-3 Chuoh, Ina-shi, Nagano396-0015, JAPAN
TEL +81-265-98-7927
FAX +81-265-98-7926
Machida Office Rm.205, shinmarumitsuBldg.1-29-5, Naka-machi, Machida-shi,
Tokyo194-0021, JAPAN
TEL +81-42-709-3832
FAX +81-42-709-3845
Head Office 4-7-5, Sotokanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo101-0041, JAPAN
Business Contents Manufacture and Sale of a Sensor
Bank Saitama ResonaBank, Ltd.Koshigaya Branch
Mizuho Bank, Ltd.DozakaBranch
Shoko ChukinBank, Ltd.OshiageBranch
Group Company Accurate Inc.

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