Accurate Inc. will work on eco-action for all offices and all activities (design, estimation, production, packing, shipping and sales activities) and contribute to the realization of a sustainable economic society by building an environmental management system and continuously operating it.
- In conducting business activities, We will try to protect the environment by taking into consideration the local community and the natural ecosystem.
- We will comply with environmental laws and regulations and review the status of compliance regularly.
- We will build an environmental management system and establish a reduction target and perform continuous improvement activities., also work on the following topics as an environmental management priority theme.
- 1) Reducing the amount of power and fossil fuel use
- 2) Reduction and recycling of wastes
- 3) Promotion of resource saving (including water saving)
- 4) Use materials that are energy-saving and resource-saving products
- This policy will be known to all employees and will provide education and training to the ECO action 21
- We will promote the reduction of green procurement activities and waste metal products to protect the global environment.
- We will promote product development with a small amount of hazardous chemicals in our products and tools design.
- We will promote green procurement activities that do not use hazardous chemicals in product materials in purchasing and buying activities.
- Pre-evaluation of new chemical substances and management of existing chemical substances are reduced.
- We will simplify the packaging in our sales activities and make it convenient.
- Records and stores the amount of carbon dioxide emissions, waste emissions, total wastewater, recycling, and chemical substances used.
- As an internal communication about ECO Action 21, we will communicate and exchange opinions via a forum or a video conference on the portal.
- We will open the website as a means of external communication and accept complaints and requests.